The idea of this report I found on the internet is that creatives and clients don’t understand each other in the creative process.
Both sides are looking for open, honest and respectful communication. They don’t care if you’re an award winning director. If client and creative can’t understand each other then it’s no-no for both sides to continue they’re project.
I was going to send an exported file for the client. While uploading I saw an article with title “Client’s don’t care about your creativity”. In the opened window I found a quite simple but enjoyable infographic that Im going to talk.
There is a lot of ways in the internet on how you can get clients, charge clients, but unfortunately there is not much of information about “How to communicate with a client as a creative”
As a creative person I’ve had to understand these by myself in my short career. I haven’t got clear facts about what is most important in having successful relationships with your clients. Goal always was to make sure to provide the best experience possible. But there are times when you’re excited for bringing an award winning product possible for a new project and the other person is not interested in that. It’s a little bit painful for me and after those projects I was searching for a good idea of what to do in this case.
“The love is there” – we just need to communicate better” – I think it could be because of the social dilemma of social media. Most of the creatives are the young generation which lived on an internet boom. I love this quote for its straightforwardness. It gave me a better understanding of psychology. As always – less is more. Don’t look far away looking for answers. You just can’t see answers right in front of you.
90% of creatives believe clients play a crucial role in the creative process.
81% of clients think the same about creatives.
This makes sense when creatives and clients don’t communicate with each other and in the process and it makes a lot of mess. I think it’s important to set roles and scripts before starting to work. Honest communication for the key before starting your project.
There was times when you’ve been watching TikToks and friends made fun of you.
Now you can create a product and market it with low costs. Sell your services and connect with people to create new adventures. Thanks for the algorithm.
“Balance between the reality and the visionary. Begin with offering practical solutions that serve the client at the start, but envision together what else is possible along the way” – Alayin Sylvain.
This reminds me of times when people are excited to be in process and apparently they don’t do anything and are waiting for your moves. This should be communicated clearly before starting a creative project. Each side must decide what they want and how to bring it to reality.
It’s not ALL about creativity. It’s about communication.